How to use the directory

The Real Histories Directory is now established as an essential free resource tool created by The Runnymede Trust to encourage teaching and learning about cultural diversity across the UK. There is, on the site, a wealth of information for schools, teachers, students and parents. You can, for example, search for:

– culturally diverse toys and games;
– dual language bookshops;
– galleries, museums and archives;
– individual performance artists;
– organisations providing resources on citizenship, race equality, human rights;
– policy documents;
– community and advisory groups.

Or else, you can quickly use the search facility to find resources by name, by area, by type of resource and, more specifically, by local authority.

The Real Histories Directory also highlights particular Topics and gives guidance on how the Directory can support classroom teaching in that particular area. It might be, for example, ‘Black History Month’, ‘Migration’, ‘Religious Festivals’, ‘Slavery’, or ‘Identity’ or a National Curriculum topic like Dance, History, English or Mathematics. We also highlight outstanding resrouces from the Real Histories Directory in our Featured Resource section.

Tell Me What I Need to Know, is designed to help parents, especially those from Black and Minority Ethnic, Refugee, Asylum-Seeking and Traveller communities to support their children in education.

If you have a resource that you would like us to feature in the Real Histories Directory, or you have suggestions and strategies that work and that might be of assistance to other schools and teachers or parents, please do get in touch and let us know. Or you might like to suggest a subject for our ‘Featured Topic’. We will do our best to research that topic for you and share ideas that help. You can contact us at [email protected]

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